Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Cradle Mania

Buie is taking a furniture making class at the community college and his project is....making a cradle for little Nola Faye and hopefully all our future bambinos. :) It is well underway, after a rocky start (dificulty finding good plans and good wood) but I am just so proud of him for doing this. He's always wanted to learn how to do woodworking! He really enjoyed class this past time, made his first cuts using a something saw and glued his boards together. He even worked so hard he got sawdust and glue all over him, can you tell?? We'll keep you updated!

I added a new picture showing some new cut outs my cool husband made for the cradle. So now we have the headboard, footboard and one side panel ready. Next class he should be able to get the rest cut out and start assembling. It's just really neat to see it coming together, and it makes it all the more real that there will be a baby to put in this thing. :) Yay!


  1. Way to go, Buie! He can teach me after he learns all the tricks. I can't wait to see the finished cradle. How is the nursery coming along? Have you decided on colors?

  2. the nursery isn't really coming along yet...we have a visitor coming who needs to stay in the guest room/future nursery in a couple weeks, so there you go! :) but i definitely have plans and some stuff already. trying not to worry! and hoping Nola stays put for another few weeks. :)

    it's gonna be green and decorated with daisies! my favorite!

  3. So awesome...I'm super excited for you guys! :-D
